外国人留学生に特化した求人のご紹介Job Opportunities for International Students
At Mynavi's Global Agent, we introduce job opportunities at companies that actively hire international students. Additionally, we have numerous exclusive job listings that are not available on job information sites like Mynavi, but are specifically for Global Agent. We will introduce job opportunities that match your preferences and qualifications.
経験豊富なキャリアアドバイザーが在籍Experienced Career Advisors Available
Our team of experienced career advisors is well-versed in the unique job-hunting culture, business etiquette, and schedules specific to Japan. Dedicated advisors will provide comprehensive support for your job search in Japan. In addition to introducing job opportunities that match your preferences, we also offer advice on resume writing and interview techniques based on our extensive experience.
グローバル人材としての強みを活かすお手伝いMaximizing Your Strengths as Global Talent
「グローバル人材」としての留学経験や日本以外の価値観を持っている点は、就職活動においては大きなアピールポイントとなります。マイナビの「グローバル人材紹介」専任のアドバイザーとの面談や面接対策を通じて、あなたのアピールポイントを最大限引き出せるようアドバイスをいたします。Your study abroad experience and diverse perspectives as global talent are significant assets in your job search. Through consultations and interview preparation with dedicated advisors at Mynavi's Global Agent, we will help you highlight your strengths to their fullest potential.